From the Groome Archives:
Notes, Clippings, and Memorabilia

The Mariner's Cross, a cross in the shape of an anchor, is one of the earliest symbols in Christianity. The anchor, also referred to as the "Cross of Hope," is used to signify a 'fresh start,' symbolizing steadfastness, calm and composure. It also serves to remind Christians that one’s life needs to be anchored in faith, hope and love. For Groome’s congregation the Mariner’s Cross also represents the history and heritage of Cape Henlopen shipbuilders, fishermen, and their families, many of whom worshipped at Groome in the early days of its founding.

November 25, 1908
Lewes, Del. – Groome Memorial M. P. Church is about complete. The furniture is all in and set up. The ladies are putting the carpet down, and we are preparing for the dedication on next Sunday, November 22. Rev. Dr. W. R. Graham, of Pocomoke City, and Revs. H. O. Keen, of Georgetown, G. R. McCready, of Milton, J. D. Smith, of Chincoteague, and D. L. Johnson, of Georgetown, are to be present all-day. We extend a general invitation to all who can come. We are praying for a good day. May the presence of our God be with us. Our extra meetings will be in progress next week. We are expecting a great revival. God says, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Pray for us. - W. W. Johnson, Pastor. November 16, 1908.

1908 – 3 July (404-31, Sussex County) from Groome Memorial Methodist Protestant Church, Inc., to Sussex Trust Company, $1200. Signed by Jesse W. Wilson, president of the church; attested by William H. Steel, secretary.
1912 – 2 January – Mortgage Burned.
Groome Ledger Entry (left): “Paid in full Jan. 2, 1912
Mortgage was burned Jan. 2, 8-10 PM, by Bro. W. H. Steel
Chairman of the Board of Trustees”